Links for most recent macOS builds available here.
Upcoming build
- linux, macOS builds for 096
- alt+click in SQL console result set will highlight the row
- ctrl+alt+click in SQL console result set will highlight value
- ctrl+shift+click in SQL console result set will highlight changes
- you can change order of selected KPIs: right mouse click in KPIs table or Alt+Up/Down
True rybafish junkies can try rybafish nightly build (executable only)
096 beta III
096 beta III (2024-04-27)
- initial password reset support
- password change dialog added (file menu)
- file save dialog fix
096 beta II
096 beta II (2024-03-13)
- KPIs presets: menu Layout -> Presets
- in-line filtering in KPIs table: just start typing, ESC to reset
- trimming spaces during import feature
- m_load_history* tables structure validation during connection to SQLite DBs
- Ctrl+Shift+L to hide/show gantt labels
- sql console toolbar button: sound notification on SQL termination
- manual_color feature for Gantt charts
- Cloud/BTP connections support (Temporary experimental)
096 beta I
096 beta I (2023-12-12)
- advanced highlighter (experimental)
- databar feature: right-mouse click in ressult set column with numbers
- fix of scriptsFolder setting bug
- ctrl+mouse wheel to increase/decrease font in SQL consoles and resultsets
- to_date(‘’) –> exception instead NULL, pyhdb bug fix.
- server processing time for SQL consoles
- time scale 8 and 12 hours, experimental
- ess legend crash fix
- warning: daylight saving fix (?), set serverTZ: False to revert
- reconnectTimer setting
095 Ishkhan
095 Ishkhan last major build, 2023-08-12
- warning in sql consoles for prodution db
- log rotation feature, logSizeMax
- async multiline mode
- Timezones management, details
- CSV import wizard: timestamp, integer and varchar types supported for now
- updated delta merges KPI, made in course of this tutorial
- multiple variables bugfixes
- bugfix for grid labels on 4 hours scale (maximum zoom out)
- minor performance improvements
- stack upgrade (3.10 -> 3.11)
- major internal structures/interfaces rework
- Experimental (you need to set
experimental: True
in config.yaml to use those) extremely powerful features:- SQLite support for charts: if m_load_history* tables detected in SQLite database - standard SAP HANA KPIs will work
- SQLite support for sql consoles: you can just use RybaFish to work with SQLite databases
- Secondary connection / Multiple data providers: now you can show charts from two or more HANA/non-HANA sources on the same chart
- Smile and stay well.
093 beta III
093 beta III (2023-07-02)
- updated delta merges KPI from this tutorial
- stack upgrade (3.10 -> 3.11)
093 beta II
093 beta II (2023-05-18)
- new log file, automatic log truncation, logSizeMax
- multiple variables bugfixes
093 beta I
093 beta I (2023-04-12)
- async multiline mode
- Timezones management, link
- trace import fix: data might be loaded just partially in some cases
093 beta 0
093 beta 0 (2023-02-16)
- SQLite support (experimental mode only)
- multiple data providers support (experimental mode only)
- CSV import wizard: timestamp, integer and varchar types supported for now
- safe thread exceptions handling
091 Sig/ssl
091 Sig/ssl (2022-11-01)
- improved number formatting performance, can switch off by setting newNumbersFormatting: False
- enforce thousandsSeparator and decimalPoint - work only for newNumbersFormatting
- minor editor (crashable) bugfixes
- web infrastructure moved to amazon s3+cf
- SSL support
Sig Changelog
091 Sig (2022-08-12)
- Change KPI color dialog (context menu in KPIs table).
- LOB containing consoles will have own indication
- it is rather markdown and not ABAP-style copy now. can be disabled by copy-markdown: False
- import of nameserver_history.trc update for newer formats
- support of timezone for nameserver_history.trc import: import_timezone_offset.
- countdown secods before triggering autorefresh now displayed
091 beta IV (2022-06-30)
- macOS now available, runs on Intel/ARM.
- Alt+Up/Down - to move highlighted point between KPIs.
Only regular KPIs supported for nowRegular+Multiline KPIs supported. - and Gantt as well
- beta versions will be checking for newly published betas, can be controlled by updatesCheckBeta: True/False.
- SQL console syntax highlighter performance boost approx. 2 times
- Configurable connectionsFile, screensFolder, customKPIsFolder, contextSQLsFolder settings.
- simple SQL scripts organizer, menu->SQL or F11
- SQL Console toolbar
- finally, documentation on sql console
091 beta III (2022-05-29)
- “McAfee Endpoint Security Alert” RybaFish detected as a malware for no reason, beta III should fix this issue.
091 beta II (2022-05-06)
- Alt+N to switch tabs
- multiline KPIs have ‘others’ property: single entry to include everything else
- profiler to track expensive calls, useProfiler: True.
091 beta I (2022-04-24)
- variables support
- simple connections manager, save encrypted passwords
- DB interface introduced: can implement alternative connection protocols now
- automatic updates checker, set updatesCheckInterval: 0 to disable
- Screen DPI awareness (DPIAwareness: False to disable)
Previous Release
0.9 Paltus (2022-02-17)
Paltus Changelog
0.9 beta XI (2022-01-26)
- legendTenantName and legendServiceName configuration options
- explain plan for sql plan cache entry now works in console
- manual scales in KPIs table are blue. If you post an empty value manual scale –> autoscale itself!
- gantt render performance boost: can be disabled by ganttOldImplementation: True
- gantt gradient feature: in KPI definitin gradient: True + gradientTo: ‘#F88’ (details),
- config option chartWidth for cases when the default 1 is not thick enough.
- it is possible now to set Y range other than from 0 to something. To achieve this put, for example, 2000-5000 in Y-Scale.
0.9 beta 9 (2021-12-23)
- bugfix affecting multiple resultsets
- last available beta is now reported in the About dialog
9 beta 8 (2021-12-21), withdrawn.
- gantt bars can have titles: little text labels right inside the bar
- there is no 32k limit anymore (bug #181)
0.9 beta 7 (2021-11-24)
- avg value is now reported in KPIs table
- basic alerting functionality
- hosts table enriched with service name and tenant information
- numerous bugfixes…
0.9 beta 5 (2021-09-30), withdrawn.
- ABAP-style results copy: right mouse click in results
- Colorize KPIs option: Actions menu -> Colorize
- sql console parser fix: first statement was not recognized correctly in beta4.
- tenant name and revision reported in the window title
0.9 beta 4 (2021-09-14), withdrawn.
- Ctrl+Shift+O auto-formats the SQL
- Ctrl+Shift+X explains plan of the selected statement
- error line now highlighted
- only the highlighted block will have line numbers on DB Exception
- date in “to” field now transates to YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59
- skip initial KPIs reload option
- $duration placeholder for gantt custom kpis will report human readable duration
- multiline KPIs support
- save window layout feature (experimental)
- Bugs fixed
- syntax highlighter now forced on paste
- undo/redo queue cleaned up
0.9 beta (2021-08-15)
- Context SQLs: right mouse click on PLAN_ID column in results
- autocomplete in SQL Console (Ctrl+Space)
- shift highlighted point inside KPI (Alt+Left/Right)
- right click on the chart will compose a between predicate when there is already a timestamp in the clipboard
- improved SQL parsing: leading comments ignored now
- sleep() pseudo-call for sql consoles
- COMMIT and ROLLBACK are supported now
- click on indicator (right part of the status bar) switches to corresponding tab
- if there is a statement runnig, hovering mouse over indicator reports the run time
- result set highlighting: highlight particular value + highlight value changes
- tenant neame now requested and displayed in the window title
Release history
0.8 Plotva, 22.07.2021
- switch to ESS support
- full stack upgrade
- auto-refresh result set (experimental)
- final (?) suspended statements fix
0.7 poehali/gl, 12.04.2021
- full gas sql console support
- resurrected import of nameserver_history.trc
- layout feature: same sql tabs open after the restart
0.6 EVH, 10.10.2020
- gantt KPIs type support
- chart legend now available
0.5 poehali, 12.04.2020
- sql console (experimental mode only)
- custom KPIs available as standard feature